Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Wanted to be More Structured

"...and thus leaves me free of catatonic vice..."

I've never really been able to hold a schedule for more than two weeks. There are a few reasons for that. What's yours?


  1. I usually have something different going on each week... this week: orchestra rehearsals.

    Though I don't think I would like having the same schedule every week.

  2. Sigh. This is my problem too. I would like to have more of a routine. I think what stops me is change in mood. Sometimes I feel ambitious, other times I am lethargic, then I feel guilty for being lethargic and this makes me fear more disappointment the next time I try to be ambitious. I think the answer (for me) is taking it day by day and reading "The 7 habits of highly effective teens." Haha.

  3. Stephan: It's not that I want to do the same thing all the time. It's that I want to have more control over how I spend my time. It's mostly free time durig which I usually do nothing constructive. I usually put off things like cleaning and personal study, but also creative things and excercise. Also, I wanted to use the quote from our Skype conversation.

    Devon: I agree. My mood has a tremendous affect on my ability to stick to a schedule. However, if I stick to a routine of having set times to do these things long enough so that it becomes ingrained, then it will become a stronger force than my mood. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get to that point. When I was keeping a schedule for a bit, I knew it wasn't in me to keep it up. Honestly, what helped me was praying about it. A lot. All the time really. I knew that I would need Jehovah's help, especially because at the time my spiritual activities were on the line. Again unfortunately, when I was doing good I got lazy with my prayers. I have to start again. Gabate, try your best.
