Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vol. I Chap.1 Continued

In Japan, when I buy clothes, I'm a medium.

Now, here is a continuation of the science fiction mess I had started a few posts ago. Take it as it is. Though there are some less interesting parts, I think overall it may be worth something:

I hadn't realized that there were others in the vehicle, or I just hadn't cared until that point. Suddenly, I was ashamed that I urinated on myself but the shame dissipated quickly. I replied, "What gives you the right to decide that?"

He rebutted, "You're alive aren't you? You must be aware that the suicide rate has risen to 51.465%." A statistician possibly.

I wasn't in a conversational frame of mind.

I became frustrated but without focus. Although I hadn't thought of my situation from that viewpoint, and it was a valid point, I still felt weak. That frustrated me. However, my fellow captive was not to blame; I had no object of my frustration, just frustration itself. Maddening. I tried to think of a reply, some sort of explanation or excuse to justify my self-deprecation, but there was none; I knew there was none. So I said nothing. I felt weak.


except for the noise of the transport, which modern technology beyond my understanding has rendered to mere white noise. I preferred the silence over conversing under fear and panic; I hate saying things I don't really mean. Unfortunately I was then able to focus on other things. My black cotton pants were soaked in urine, and the smell quickly became an irritant. The uncertainty of where we were going and how long our isolated confinement would last was aggravating. Struggling to gain control of my thoughts, I was able to slip in and out of consciousness. I never did learn how long we were in there, or where on Earth we ended up.

Yet, I knew what was happening. We were being collected, the Earth's most precious resources. They had been talking about it for months in the media, years in private. I felt like crying, so I did. I was weak. They didn't even know why I was part of their collection, I just was.


  1. Intriguing character and scenario... the urine and suicide rate are nice touches. Keep it coming.

  2. Thank you. I have more finished, although some parts are a little forced later on, I think it will still be interesting. I'll maybe post it in a week or so.
